Larry Geller
Colleen Sturgess’ Beyond Fitness studio in Delray Beach, FL offers a varied and excellent program for Parkinson’s inflicted individuals. Based on my attendance at this studio for about two and a half years, I can state that when you leave your class, you feel a personal sense of accomplishment and pride. You leave with the feeling that you have exercised with intensity which, in most of our cases, is the goal we are seeking. Let me explain.
In a little more than an hour per class, Beyond Fitness provides a terrific exercise program. The class is divided into several components: First, you do numerous stretching, bending, balancing, exercises. Then the group is usually divided into several skill “stations” which you go to for approximately a minute or more to perform specific physical activities with other class members also assigned to the particular stations. For example, you may run short distances as fast as you can, hit a speed bag with different hand combinations, “stand and sit” for a designated period, throw heavy balls to one another in your station and many other exercise techniques Colleen and her staff come up with.
The last physical activity we usually do is numerous and varied boxing skills and techniques. We practice punches and combinations as intensely as we can. By that I mean, we work up to perform these as hard as we can do. Here is where participants begin to appreciate just how hard they are working in class. Hitting the bag hard andfeeling that, is, in my mind, achieving the goal of attending this class.
When you leave class, you know you have accomplished something good for you as you deal with the challenges you face.

Rock Steady Member
ED- when ed first came to us he was having a tuff time moving, he was living in assisted living and was not receiving proper care, he would lay in bed all day with no movement or exercise. His wife brought him to us for one on one personal training to strengthen Is legs. His one wish was to be able to get out of the assisted living and move back in with his wife. We worked on strengthening his legs to first get him out of his wheel chair. After about the first month we had him up and moving again and before you know it he would start pushing his wife in his wheelchair around the room. We would do walking exercises and boxing as well to strengthen his upper body. Near the end of his 3 months with us Ed and his wife were able to share a dance together all with no assistance, which was something that was truly special to be apart of and they had not done in many years, A real inspiration.
Rock Steady Member
Anne- anne is 75years old with Parkinson's and has been a Rock Steady member of beyond fitness now for over 5 months and we have seen wonderful improvements with her balance and strength. When anne first came to us she struggled with her walking and getting out of her chair, and had to use a walker to help her move around. After working with her 2 -3 times a week every week, by month 2 she no longer needed a walker was walking with no assistance and able to stand with minimal effort. She is now moving great boxing more and feeling much better in her day to day life.

Bob Silver
Rock Steady Member
Bob has been with beyond fitness science opening day over 1 year ago. We have seen such improvement over the past year. In 2015 bob was in a wheelchair and had much difficulty walking and even standing. But seeing him today you would not recognize him. He now walks without assistance, has a powerful right hand punch and is even practicing jump rope. He play pickle ball almost everyday and is quite the contender on the court. He has been so supportive of our facility science opening and awe are grateful to have him, A true success story.
Bernard Lienman
Rock Steady Member
Bernie- 82 bernie is another Rock Steady member who has been coming now for 7 months and is very active in the Parkinson's community, he attends multiple classes in the week such as tai chi, power drumming and Rock steady boxing. We work on strength balance and coordination and he finds that the classes really help to improve everyday quality of life and keeping him active and in high spirits. He is quite the comedian and always a joy to have in our classes.
Sheri & Lenny
Boeyond Fitness Members
Sheri & Lenny, the sweetest couple that joined our gym no more than 4 or 5 months ago and come 3-4 times a week for classes. They were looking for a place that was welcoming and could give them safe a quality fitness that they could take together as a couple. The classes they take are yoga, core strengthening and circuit training classes. They are very supportive and rave about how much they enjoy it here at beyond fitness.